Saturday, December 2, 2017



          It’s been over two hundred years since one of the greatest Jedi Knights, Luke Skywalker, defeated the evil Sith Lord, Darth Sidious, and restored the balance to the Force, and peace to, what once was, a vast and troubled galaxy, where Darth Sidious, with the help of his apprentice Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker), ruled with fear and violence. With the pass of the years the influence of the Empire has been nearly eradicated, and the Jedi Knights live once again. Peace reigns over the galaxy under a New Galactic Republic, where the Jedi Council's Grand Master serves as what used to be the Supreme Chancellor in the past Galactic Senate arrangement. With all this, Luke Skywalker has fulfilled his destiny, and now he is long gone, but his wisdom, teachings, and guidance in the way of the Force are still remembered and practiced by the new Jedi Knight Generation.

In the two hundred years that have passed, Luke achieved many remarkable deeds. Side to side with his wife, Mara Jade Skywalker, and son, Ben Skywalker, they returned the peace to the galaxy, started a new life in Coruscant and then restored the Jedi Order into what is known today as the New Jedi Order where they trained many young Padawan Apprentices into fully trained Jedi Knights, they founded the New Galactic Republic, restoring the order across the galaxy. Even though restoring the peace was the most important task to fulfil, Luke also dedicated many of his years in the searching of the remaining forces of the Empire, or mastering every side of the Force, for “If you want to be a complete Master, you need to understand the Light and the Dark side of the Force, not only the limited sight of a Jedi.”

Today in the New Jedi Order, formed by the ten best Jedi Masters in the universe, one of which is Luke’s Skywalker great grandson, Master Owen Skywalker who has recently taken up a Padawan Apprentice, Jacen Ming, a Togruta (Shaak Ti and Ashoka Tano’s species) kid who has an incredible midi-chlorian count comparable even to Anakin Skywalker’s. This kid has been said to be holding the key to a still unknown door, for his path has not yet been defined. The Jedi Council, fearing his dormant powers will fall into the wrong hands, has decided to guide him through the path of Light, and Justice, hoping that Jacen Ming will follow this path, and may lead many more through it.

Meanwhile on a remote place in the galaxy. A Jedi Knight named ***** is slowly cornered into a trap. Erold Greyheart, a young, rogue Jedi Knight, who was expelled from the Jedi Order for he had too much greed in his heart. Erold Greyheart forces (Jedi Knight)’s starfighter to crash on Chenini, one of the moons of the planet Tatooine. There, a ferocious battle takes place, but at the end only one remains standing before the other.

     “Why, Erold, why are you doing this?!” ****** pants.

     “Why do you ask?” Erold laughed maliciously “It is very simple, my old friend. If I am not to become a Jedi Master, as it was promised to me, I will become more powerful than any Jedi, and here I am, besting you.”

The Jedi struggled, but he stood up.

     “You don’t have to do this, you can come back. The High Council will…” 

     “The Council does not know a thing!!” Erold outrageously interrupted. “They are a bunch of senile people, who can’t recognise true greatness!! Not even when I was standing right in front of them!!”

     “Erold, I beg of you, stop this madness!” 

     “Madness you say?” Erold walks towards ******. “You were once my best friend… and now, even you call me crazy, mad for power. The Council knew I am more powerful than any of them, even that Skywalker. That is why they wouldn’t make me a Master.”

     “You did not become a Jedi Master because of your greed, it was your own doin…” Erold forced his lightsaber into the Jedi’s chest. “Erold… you will… be sorry…” 

     “Erold is no more” He let’s the now corpse fall to the ground. Erold takes ***** lightsaber. “I am now Darth Doxian.”

End of Prologue.

O — O — O — O — O — O — O — O — O — O — O — O — O — O — O —